
ossiclar reconstruction






Ossicular Chain Reconstruction:
Sound enters the ear through the external ear canal. When the sound waves hit the eardrum it vibrates. The eardrum is connected to the inner ear through a series of three bones called the ossicles. The eardrum is connected to the malleus (hammer), which is connected to the incus (anvil), which in turn is attached to the stapes (stirrup). The stapes is connected to the inner ear. When the eardrum vibrates it sets the three bones in motion. As the ossicles vibrate they send signals to the inner ear, which then turns these signals into nerve impulses which are relayed to the brain.

Anything that damages the ossicles will produce a severe conductive hearing loss. Transmission of sound to the inner ear is significantly diminished. The most common problems that damage the ossicular chain are trauma and a cholesteatoma. Often, the joints between the bones of the middle ear are disrupted during trauma. These joints and bones can also be eroded by a cholesteatoma. Often the bones in the middle ear have been removed during prior mastoid surgery. In any case, the result is a severe conductive hearing loss.

This type of hearing loss can be significantly improved with an ossicular chain reconstruction. During this operation the connections between the bones of the middle ear are reestablished. This allows for the transmission of sound to occur once again, significantly reducing or eliminating the hearing loss. The specialists at Berks ENT Surgical Associates have extensive experience performing this kind of reconstructive procedure. We are often able to reconstruct previously operated ears. This procedure can often improve a severe hearing loss.

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